3 thoughts on “What is the price basis for diamonds?”

  1. The price of diamonds is determined by 4C:

    . Carat

    The quality units of diamonds: carat/cact/card, 1 carat = 200 mg = 0.2 grams Carat = ct can be subdivided by 100 points, 1 carat = 100 points. The higher the level of diamonds, the greater the impact of weight on prices.
    . Color (color)

    has many natural colors of diamonds. The completely close diamond should be transparent and colorless, followed by rare light blue, pink to common micro -micro Huang is not waiting. The whitening diamonds are set to D -Class (that is, start with Diamond's first letters). The color of diamonds is divided into 11 levels, in turn: D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N.

    The diamond color grading: It is repeatedly confirmed by the graded diamond in the classified environment of the technical personnel in the classified environment of the professional laboratory.

    : D, e, f

    close to colorless: G, H, I, J


    light yellow: n, o, p, q, r

    light yellow: S, T, U, V, X, Y, Z

    . Cut (Cut)

    The cutting of diamond is an important standard, and it is the only factor that can be controlled by people in 4C. It can largely affect the brightness and fire of diamonds, thereby affecting the price. The cutting of diamonds involves the cutting angle of a diamond and the proportion of cutting, which are the three items of cutting ratio, polishing, and modification, respectively. Each item has five levels. According to national standards, they can be divided into exit (excellent), VG (very good), G (good) general levels.

    According to the scientific equation, the perfect cutting diamond should enter the light inside the diamond, reflect the internal reflection of different petals, and finally condense on the top of the diamond to light the firecolor. Excessive or shallow diamonds will cause light to flow from the bottom or next to it, but lose glory. Therefore, the value of diamonds with proper proportions is naturally high.

    . Clarity

    icated according to national standards, the clarity of diamonds is divided:

    IF -flawless grade;

    VVS level -micro -flaw (including VVS1, VVS2 level);

    VS level -micro -flaw (including VS1 and VS2);

    SI level -small flaws (including SI1 and SI2 levels);

    p -level -heavy flaw (including P1, P2 and P3 level).

    The price of diamonds is virtual, it is better to look at the higher cost -effective Belgian magic star diamond, one carat D -color FL/IF flawless quality Belgian magic star Moisan diamond And the price of such a level of diamonds is hundreds of thousands.

  2. The price of diamonds is calculated at 4C, so the same is true of the recycled diamond ring. The staff first grasped the diamonds, its net weight, color level, transparency level, cutting level and fluorescence level. After confirming these basic parameters, the jewelry appraisers will announce the recovery price. If it is a diamond jewelry, some damage during the diamond wearing will also affect the recycling price.

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